Over 200,000 visitors for Dutch greenhouses
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KomInDeKas app
The event attracts a lot of families, and they made it even more fun for children with the so-called KomInDeKas app. With this app, they could participate in a scavenger hunt through the greenhouse. They were challenged to find heroes in the greenhouse, which they could bring to life with the app.
At Phalaenova, which opened their orchid greenhouse for the third time, they also sold orchids. The sales were good and the horizontal braided variety was a hit. Addie Groen: "At 11.30 am, we were already sold out. So we had to pack new ones quickly."
Earlier, several tomato growers decided not to open their doors to prevent spreading the tomato chlorosis virus via whitefly, but at organic tomato nursery Frank de Koning the doors were open.
At Villa Curcuma
At GreenBalanz