Iranian horticulture picking up the high-tech pace
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According to the organization, all 3 exhibition days were well attended. Among the visitors were many growers of vegetables, fruits, flowers and potted plants, coming from all corners of the country.
The much larger size of this year’s fair was a welcomed surprise to all and created an extra positive business atmosphere. It made many to conclude that the fair had taken the next step towards a professional trade fair representing the entire horticulture industry of Iran.
With a population of over 80 million people, Iran offers interesting prospects for agricultural development. Since its capitalist market and western style consumption patterns, and with an economy expected to grow significantly over the coming years, also the greenhouse industry is excepted to rise.
The success of this year’s edition of IGTF has already led to the decision to extend the event in 2019 with a second hall adjacent to this year’s hall, enlarging it to a total of 9,000 m2 exhibition space; a further increase of 50%. It is expected that especially many more horticultural technological suppliers from both inside and outside Iran will hook on to the next edition of IGTF, which is scheduled to take place from April 17 to April 19 in 2019.
Click here for a photo report (photos sent to us by Jasper van Dijk, HPP)
Click here for more information on the IGTF