Bee a part of the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
The Network is challenging the nation to reach the goal of one million additional pollinator gardens by the end of 2016.
Any individual can contribute by planting for pollinators!
To tackle these challenges, the Network is rallying hundreds of thousands of gardeners, horticultural professionals, schools, and volunteers to help reach a million pollinator gardens over the next two years.
Every habitat of every size counts!
From window boxes and garden plots to farm borders, golf courses, school gardens, corporate and university campuses. Everywhere we live, work, play and worship can, with small improvements, offer essential food and shelter for pollinators.
It's easy to register your pollinator habitat!
“National Garden Bureau supports gardens of all types, done by any type of gardener for any reason and gardening for the health of pollinators is a priority for NGB and our members,” said Diane Blazek, executive director of the National Garden Bureau. “We are thrilled to be part of the National Pollinator Garden Network and look forward to the day we reach one million pollinator gardens registered in the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge.”
Click here to shop for pollinator-friendly plants from NGB Members.
It's a simple two-step process:
1) Plant pollen or nectar rich plants
2) Register your pollinator habitat here.
Additional steps you can take to make your area more pollinator-friendly:
Provide a water source
Situate your garden and/or plants in a sunny area with wind breaks
Establish continuous blooms throughout the growing season
Minimize the impact of pesticides
Full list of National Pollinator Garden Network partner organizations:
America In Bloom
American Floral Endowment
American Horticultural Society
American Public Gardens Association
American Seed Trade Association
Captain Planet Foundation
Home Garden Seed Association
Keep America Beautiful
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Monarch Watch
National Environmental Education Foundation
National Gardening Association
National Garden Bureau
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
National Recreation and Park Association
National Wildlife Federation
North American Butterfly Association
Pollinator Partnership
Society of American Florists
USDA People’s Garden
Wild Ones
Wildlife Habitat Council
Xerces Society for Invertebrate Biology
Learn more at and join the discussion on Social Media through the hashtag #PolliNation.