US: New plants include disease resistant impatiens and a tomato/potato cross
This segment from Pittsburgh Today Live showcases some of the new crosses including 'Ketchup 'n' Fries.' It's the first plant that grows tomatoes on top and potatoes below the ground.
'Bounce' impatiens are a cross between normal impatiens and New Guinea impatiens. The plant is highly resistant to downy impatiens mildew.
Those are just a few of the new plants for the garden, below are more:
The plant world is being turned upside down by breeders figuring out how to cross different species and introducing new varieties too.
Digiplexis is a cross between digitalis (foxglove) and isoplexis. It looks a lot like a foxglove, but grows as an annual in our climate blooming until frost.
Echibeckia is a cross between echinacea (coneflower) and rudbeckia (black eyed Susan). It’s a long blooming perennial with an interesting look and toughness of the coneflower.
‘Ketchup ‘n’ Fries’ is a plant that grows tomatoes on the top and potatoes below ground. They are a little pricy, but certainly a conversation piece in the garden.
‘Bounce’ impatiens are a cross between our regular variety and New Guinea impatiens. It’s highly resistant to downy impatiens mildew.
I love the new variegated lavender called ‘Platinum.’ You get the pretty purple blooms over green and white foliage.
‘Tractor Seat’ Giant Leopard Plant, Farfugium japonicum ‘Gigantea’ is grown in the shade outside during the summer and brought back inside to live on the windowsill all winter.
All the plants on the show came from Chapon’s Greenhouse in Baldwin.
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