Sher Ethiopia to inaugurate expansion
Only 160ha of land will be used for the development of a new greenhouse, whereas the remaining land will be used for building offices, pack house, grading hall, cold room and other facilities.
“So far, we are developing one hectare of land per week,” said Gerrit Barnhoorn, managing director of Sher, refraining from mentioning any details in terms of the amount of investment spent on the expansion project.
The minimum amount of investment per 10ha in the floriculture sector is estimated to be 50 million Br, according to Berhanu Lodamo, Promotion & Information department head at Ethiopian Horticulture Producer & Exporter Association.
This project is expected to increase the flower production and export level in Adami Tulu alone from 400,000 stems per day to 1.5 million stems per day, raising the total from all three farms, including Ziway and Koka, to 3.5 million stems per day.
Similarly, the number of employees in Adami Tulu is also expected to rise to 6,000 from 1,400.
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