Mutant flowers from Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster
Recent years have brought reports of deformed fruit and mutant butterflies, but the latest is a remarkable photo of deformed daisies posted on Twitter by @san_kaido, who took the photo below in Nasushiobara City, which lies about 70 miles from Fukushima.
Translated from Japanese, @san_kaiod's tweet describes how the daisies growing there have apparently been impacted by exposure to radiation since the March 2011 incident, which resulted in the meltdown of three of Fukushima's six reactors following a devastating tsunami:
"The right one grew up, split into 2 stems to have 2 flowers connected each other, having 4 stems of flower tied beltlike," according to Fukushima Diary. "The left one has 4 stems grew up to be tied to each other and it had the ring-shaped flower. The atmospheric dose is 0.5 μSv/h at 1m above the ground."
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