The Solution Center for Growers, sponsored by OBC Northwest, Inc., nursery and greenhouse supplier, has lined up a full slate of informative presentations covering key facets of greenhouse and nursery growing. Topics include: environment and energy control, sustainable and biological pest control, lighting, food production, irrigation, bees, soil and media, marijuana, operation efficiencies, nematodes, downy mildew, and foliar feeding, among others. All sessions are free to registered Farwest attendees. A complete schedule of topics and speakers can be seen at
“We’re excited about the launch of the Solution Center for Growers,” said Allan Niemi, director of events at the Oregon Association of Nurseries, producers of the Farwest Show. “Growers are going to get the insider’s view to hottest topics in production. It’s a logical extension to our popular retail program and sure to be a mainstay in the future.”