"US (CA): "We only sell fresh flowers, nothing over three days old"
“I sell what I grow so I arrive at the Flower Mart in San Francisco around 1:30 in the morning,” he said. “I’m here for sales Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the other days I bring in the flowers to get ready for the sales days. We start cleaning up around 11 and head back down to Half Moon Bay at 1 p.m. with a couple of delivery stops along the way.”
The San Francisco Flower Mart is one of only five grower-owned wholesale flower markets in the United States. The other four are in Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle and Portland.
Figone Nursery Co. is one of the growers that provide cut flowers, greens, foliage and blooming plants at the urban market. The Mart opens at 7 a.m. for wholesale businesses and opens to the public at 10.
Growers, wholesalers and others depend on the flower market for fresh flowers and greenery. Event planners and organizations can’t afford to waste time searching the Bay Area for fresh flowers, which are also shipped in from South America, Africa, New Zealand and Holland. Orchids are brought in from Watsonville, Calif.
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