According to the jury, the geranium is entirely retro. "A rewarding summer-flowering plant that is suitable for everyone, whether you have green thumbs or not." The jury members also praised the versatility of the annual. Given its many different forms, the geranium does just fine in balcony boxes.
Media campaign
Both summer-flowering plants will play important roles in the media campaign of planned for April 2016. This website will draw the attention of Dutch consumers to geranium, hibiscus and other balcony and terrace plants via a media campaign launching in April 2016.
Its aim is to show how easy and fun it can be to bring a summer feeling to balconies and terraces by using plants. FloraHolland will link commercial activities to the consumer activation scheme.
Ideal plant for beginners
The Terrace Plant of the Year in 2016 is hibiscus. The jury said, "It is not right that hibiscus is such a relatively unknown terrace plant. The beautiful and exotic flowers in a wide range of colurs make the plant an eyecatcher on every terrace. The hibiscus is an ideal plant for beginners and produces a summery feeling straight away. It is great as a container plant, but is also suitable as a perennial shrub in the garden." The hibiscus is the successor to the Passion flower (2015) and Lantana (2014).
During a tour of flower-filled locations in Amsterdam, a Dutch media jury chose the Balcony and Terrace Plants of the Year in 2016 at the request of Michel Verbeek, product coordinator at FloraHolland, presented the nominated plants.
The jury members filled in the voting forms according to the criteria set by FloraHolland:
Summery feeling
Flowering capacity
Ease of use
New area of interest
Since the start of 2015, the outdoors segment (garden, terrace & balcony) has become a 'new' area of interest at Flower Council Holland (BBH). BBH produces generic marketing communications about the garden plant category that target the international consumer. Its aim is to inspire consumers to buy more garden plants more often. FloraHolland adds to this with promotional and commercial activities in the chain.