After the introduction this spring, Solvit is used for the first time by many rose farmers to combat mildew. The results are positive and particularly the curative effect is much appreciated. Until October Solvit can still be used for Crop clean-up.
How does Solvit work
Solvit's strength lies in the combination of two active agents with different action mechanisms. Due to this the mildew is attacked on two fronts simultaneously and results are quickly visible. The mode of action is by direct contact on the leaf surface directly after application and local systemic activity by penetration of the leaf. The mildew spots dry and turn gray. Eventually only the dark purple spots on the leafs are a reminder of the old mildew infection.
Solvit can be used safely on most of the rose cultivars if the instructions are followed. The cultivar White Naomi, was both in practice and in research the most sensitive. In particular, repeated applications increase the risk of a negative crop reaction. So be alert to this.
Do not apply under fast drying conditions
Make sure the crop remains at least one hour wet for sufficient uptake into the leaf
Prevent applications at high temperatures and solar radiation
Use up to 1,125 liters per hectare maximum (even at higher water volumes)
Beware while mixing in the tank
If you have no experience with an agent or in combination with a specific crop, always perform first a small test spray in order to determine whether the crop tolerates the drug or the combination.
Strong preventive and curative effect
Safe for crop at proper application
Very low risk of developing resistance
Safe for biological control agents on roses
Good side effect on rust
Easy to use
For more information:
Tom van der Gouw, crop advisor
T: +31 (0) 651 80 20 1a