"Netherlands: "Printing and creative partner for the green sector in one."
Hilde Janssens
Smart Cups
To be a creative partner, what does that mean? "You have to think along with your customers," says Janssens. "This is obviously tricky, but that's what we're trying to do. Noticing what is happening, where the demand comes from, what the trends are - that's important." Recently, the company introduced a new product: the SmartCups (ice creams). "It is subtle, yet a great innovation. The product itself has been around longer, but we are the only one in the Netherlands who have a machine that can produce it. Not only a pot cover, but one closed whole with a bottom. Waterproof, quickly pressed and in any desired orders. So far we notice a lot of interest from overseas, but we expect much more, even within our own borders."
A look at the production floor. Bottom left a room with printing and cutting machines for smaller orders. To its right: the label archive.
The era of physical print may in some ways disappear more and more, but in some areas there are new opportunities. Still there is no alternative for packaging of bulbs and seeds, and plants and flowers are still wrapped and plants are almost never sold without a label. So important product groups are labels, packaging, wraps, and now of course the cups. There is also room for improvement in logistics. "Customers are demanding more and more flexible and faster deliveries, on their terms, not ours. This requires capacity in both production and storage facilities. Therefore, we have recently rebuilt considerably. It enables us to be more flexible and to deliver more quickly."
The new annexe hall
As monitoring trends and market developments are very important in this business, Elburg-Smit became a trend partner of Trend Logic. During the Trend Event, which took place on September 24th, Sandra Könings presented the latest concepts, ideas and trends for spring / summer 2016. "It was sold out," says Janssens, "and it was an inspiring and meaningful afternoon. Participants could get an overview of the key trends for the coming period. Therefore, we attended to show off our newest labels, packaging and Smart Cups based on the latest trends." For those who could not attend, there will be an extra seminar on 6 October. You can register via the website of Trend Logic.
For more information:
Elburg-Smit B.V.
Hilde Janssens
Wasbeekerlaan 12
2170 AB Sassenheim
T: +31 (0)252 261 300
F: +31 (0)252 231 206
E: [email protected]