UK: Identification of inoculum sources for newly emerged Peronospora causing downy mildew on aquilegia
Industry representative: Toby Marchant, Orchard Dene Nurseries
AHDB Horticulture Cost: £6,171.00
Aims and Objective:
The project aims to generate data which will enable growers to combat the threat from the newly emerging downy mildew on aquilegia (ADM).
Project objective(s):
1. To determine whether the Peronospora sp. responsible for ADM is present in seed batches and whether infected seed could act as a primary source of infection.
2. Dissemination of results.
For more information
AHDB Horticulture
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
Stoneleigh Park
Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Tel: +44 (0)24 7669 2051
Email: [email protected]