US: LSU AgCenter names 'Leslie Ann' sasanqua a Louisiana Super Plant
Sasanqua is the common name used for cultivars of Camellia sasanqua. They are among the indispensable fall blooming shrubs for our area. They tend to be shrubby when young, but will slowly grow to 10 to 12 feet tall, and can be trained as a clipped hedge, large shrub or tree shape.
The foliage is smaller than that of camellias (Camellia japonica) and is a glossy, dark green. The flowers are generally not as large as the flowers of camellias, but they often have a wonderful spicy fragrance. The two- to three-inch, flowers are produced in abundance and come in shades of burgundy red, rose, pink and white depending on the cultivar you choose. They are in bloom from October through December.
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