Negative effects on trade after attacks on Paris are limited
Border control
TLN advises her members to take into account the delays and extra inspections at the French border. In regard to travel - and transport advice TLN follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The travel advice for France is at this moment still unchanged and so there is no reason to cancel or re-route transports.
Travel Advice via app
TLN would recommend remaining vigilant and try to foresee dangers in France and in particular in the case of transportations near Paris. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has an app for the smartphone, which gives travel advice (BZ Reisadvies). This can be helpful for drivers to check the current situation in France. The app contains important telephone numbers in case of doubt or danger. TLN is monitoring the situation in France very closely and calls on its members to report experiences and incidents in the coming days by sending a e-mail to [email protected] or call 088-4567567.