US: At year’s end, the floral industry sees results in Washington
This is not how things work in Washington. The news is filled with stories about gridlock, petty bickering among elected officials, and charges about who is to blame for the mess. Those articles are in the press so often it seems the same stories can be reprinted once a week in an endless loop. All without any result.
But as one year ends and another approaches, the Society of American Florists and the groups we regularly partner with see reason for hope and optimism in 2016 — the result, no doubt, of the persistence and dedication of individual industry members who have made advocating for their businesses and the industry at large a priority. As we say farewell to 2015 (and gear up for SAF’s Congressional Action Days in March) here are some of the highlights from the year in Government Relations, along with signals for how key issues might play out in the coming year.
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