Don't want to miss any developments in FloraHolland 2020?
The pages for Improving Together, Consumer, the New Auctioning and World Flower Exchange have just been refreshed.
Buying flowers and plants
The Consumer programme has been conducting qualitative research in the Netherlands into consumers' motives to buy flowers and plants (or not). Germany, the UK and France will be next. Vitas Kersbergen, business consultant at FloraHolland, explains the research. "A consumer is continuously making choices, which increasingly often means not choosing to buy our lovely products. If we could understand what the problems are, then we could work on resolving them."
Read One consumer said to the other, "Flowers and plants are inconvenient"
The New Auctioning: four lines of thought
Since April, FloraHolland has been working on a new future for the auction."If we look at all the information we have collected, then we can see that the auction could develop in four directions. One of them is 'Emotion': we return to physical auctioning at all locations. An alternative is 'Central mechanisation': we build a single location along the A4 motorway. We could also choose 'Focus on direct': a direct day trade system that ties into the demand-driven supply chain and the need for customisation. The fourth option is 'Nursery-based': selling products while they are still at the nursery," explained Ronald Teerds, programme director of the New Auctioning programme.
Read The New Auction presents four directions at region meetings
China: what works and what doesn't?
After exploring the Chinese market in the past few months, we are now starting trials with local companies to get to know the Chinese market well. With these trials the World Flower Exchange programme is examining in a pragmatic manner what works and what doesn't in the Chinese market. How does the Chinese consumer react to these bouquets? Guido de Wit, programme director of the World Flower Exchange programme, asked, "Which colours are successful, and which ones aren't? What types and varieties are in demand and which ones are less successful?"
Read Onward tot 2020 - Employing e-commerce to serve the Chinese market
FloraHolland 2020
'Flowering the World Together, Planting Seeds of Opportunity for our Members'. With this mission statement, the FloraHolland cooperative presents its vision for the horticultural sector in 2020. Two main aims must be realised by 2020: better margins for our members and their customers, and more consumers spending more on flowers and plants.
Source: FloraHolland