Helix Australia introduces Waxflower Morning Delight
They announce the launch of Waxflower Morning Delight which has parentage featuring C. megapetalum and C. uncinatum.
Featuring clean white medium size terminal blooms, the key benefit of this new hybrid is its early flowering time. Australian trials have shown early June flowering in Western Australia and mid June flowering in Victoria – indicating some potential as the first white Waxflower on the cut flower market from Australian growers.
There is also potential at the garden/landscape section of the market providing early flowering white waxflower for garden centres in early winter when gardeners are hungry for colour.
Based on the Australian flowering time Helix sees potential flowering of late May in South Africa, late December to early January flowering in California and potentially November flowering in Israel without the need for any day length manipulation.
There will be a limited Australian release of Waxflower Moonlight Delight this winter and plant stocks will be continued to bulk up to furnish oversea licensed growers soon.
For more information:
Helix Australia