NL: Gladiolus cultivation delayed due to rains
This is explained by Teunissenin a Dutch broadcast; Omroep Gelderland, which can be listened back here (In Dutch).
Earlier this week, Teunissen received about 23 euro cents per stem at the auction in Rijnsburg en Naaldwijk in the Netherlands. According to the growers, it is a lot and this is confirmed by Plantion, a lively market place for florists, commercial gardeners and retailers. Also over there, high prices are paid for the gladiolus. According to them, this is also due to the drop in supply. In general, the growers planted less plants as last year's good weather resulted in an oversupply and consequently a drop in prices. Also Teunissen made the decision to plant less gladiolus this year (3 million in comparison to 5 million in 2015).
Regarding the cultivation acreage, 2013 has been a bad year. It shrunk by about 100 ha, to 760ha in 2014. In the following years, it was quite stable. For this year, the numbers need to be published (BKD).
Nijmeegse Marches
This month, the gladiolus is on the Flower Agenda. According to Mooiwatbloemendoen, the flower is making its comeback.
For several years, the peak for the gladiolus sales has been for the Four Day Marches in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. This year, it will be held from July 16-12. On the Friday, as participants near the finish, the public awards the walkers with gladioli, a symbol of force and victory since Roman times, when gladiators were likewise showered with these flowers. The entry into the city and towards the finish, the St. Annastraat, is for that reason called Via Gladiola during the Nijmegen Marches.