"India: "Cold store debacle" at Srinagar Tulip Garden"
However, it is a tricky game to preserve and sustain the tulip industry along scientific lines in the State. In mid-hills, tulip flowers during February-April and in high hills during April-June. Bulbs are harvested when leaves start turning yellow or 40-45 days after flowering. Old bulb scales and roots have to be removed. They are air-dried in partial shade. Putting them in wooden trays in single or double layers they are marketed. However, for quality flower production by succeeding crop, bulbs have to be stored at 7-90C for 6-8 weeks during September-October for proper development of flower primordia, since tulips are very sensitive to fluctuating temperature which otherwise leads to flower abortion.
In a report of the CAG tabled in both houses of the Legislative Assembly, it is found that the story of establishing a cold store for tulip bulbs has gone through a very tortuous path with so many obstructions created or not removed. Despite moving the matter way back in 2009 and despite the fact that a sum of 3.95 crore was sanctioned for the project, the cold store is not anywhere in sight tio date. The Director of Horticulture has withdrawn the money and had deposited it in the current account of the department but according to the CAG the money remains blocked in the bank and the loss of 1.63 crore on purchase of tulip bulbs continues to be incurred by the department.
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