French growers recover harvest with ErfGoedFloor
The outdoor floor of Jean-Claude Foucard from Orleans was completed in April. Two months later, the whole area was inundated in the aftermath of heavy rainfall. "Under normal conditions, that would have meant a substantial loss. But to my amazement we suffered no crop loss at all. The ErfGoedFloor proved its worth in that sense very quickly. I don't know yet how my fellow growers from this area have fared, but it's clear that there have been severe losses."
Buffer capacity
The buffer capacity the cultivation floor offers removes the water immediately, filtering through the floor's porous layer. A modern ErfGoedFloor has a capacity of around 40,000 liters per hectare. At that stage, the water can be pumped away to the surface water or the tank at a leisurely pace.
Pot plant grower Luc Guilemain from Crimolois, is very happy that he got ErfGoed's outdoor floor sooner, rather than later. "Given the rainfall we have had in the past two months, I was reckoning with crop loss of at least 15%. That is now 0." Both growers are convinced that this cultivation floor is the solution for many outdoor growing situations. "The unpredictability and intensity of the showers are forcing us to take steps. With the arrival of the ErfGoedFloor we appear to be on the right path."
For more information:
Bredeweg 59
2751 GH Moerkapelle
T +31 (0)79 593 38 00
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