UK: New plants for 2017 on display
Begonias are riding high. Stuart Lowen, Ball Colegrave’s expert marketing manager, says: “They are such forgiving plants. They take the rain, the heat and the cold.” This means that gardeners can rely on them whether they’re in sun or shade, and during a cool British summer. They reflect the changes in breeding because those tuberous begonias with one or two huge frilly flowers have been replaced by non-stop begonias with masses of smaller flowers, often in fiery shades. These flower for months and, even before they do so, the dark foliage shines. ‘Northern Lights Scarlet Burst’, shone out with its mixture of smallish double and single red flowers on soft stems. This graceful begonia can be grown in pot or basket just about anywhere, although at Lowen’s home it’s enjoying full sun in a vertical wall planting. Vertical wall planters, with automatic drip irrigation, are a godsend for those with tiny gardens.
Read more at The Telegraph