How would you like your name to live forever - as a Bromeliad?
The Society's past President, Ray Lemieux, says, "You can name the plant after a loved one, or yourself, it's entirely up to you. Because I created a new cultivar by cross-breeding, I have the right to name it after anyone I choose. It's a hardy cross, so I suspect it will produce many offsets and who knows, it might live on forever."
Ray Lemieux with the plant that could bear your name.
The 2016 Annual Show and Sale will be held on the weekend of September 9-11, at the Sarasota Garden Club, 1131 Blvd. of the Arts, Sarasota. This year's theme is "Bewitching Bromeliads".
The Sale hours will be from 10 AM to 5 PM on Friday, September 9. The Show will be open and the Sale will continue from 10 AM to 5 PM on Saturday September 10. On Sunday September 11, the hours will be from 1 PM to 4 PM. Admission is free.
For more details about the Show and Sale, visit the Show's page.