US (MD): Urban flower farm comes to life in Baltimore
Unveiled last weekend by Civic Works, Walker's project is in collaboration with the Baltimore City Office of Sustainability and Department of Public Works, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Chesapeake Bay Trust. The Flower Farm will be in full production during the spring, summer and fall months, while a rain garden and evergreens will add aesthetic beauty to the Broadway East neighborhood year-round. Walker's idea represents a creative way of thinking about supporting urban agriculture, eliminating blight, reducing stormwater runoff, lowering lead levels, adding a community resource, providing job training and beautifying the city. Pay a visit at 1400 N. Gay St. and see, touch, and smell for yourself.
Here, Walker talks to FOX45's Zoe Zellers about his plans for the future and hope for Baltimore because, as he puts it, "no matter what or where you come from, you can bloom and blossom."
Read the interview at WWMT