Consumer surveys and interviews only go so far, but retail sales data (now tracked at 10 retailers around the country) shows true consumer preferences and purchases. By using this direct feedback from consumers to plan for 2017 growing and retail operations, Four Star customers have a definite advantage.
Plan 2017 with confidence
“This program evolved because we know what sells and want to give confidence to our customers,” explains Amber Coch, Retail Ready Sales Manager. “We have customer feedback via the 2016 sales, which helps us plan our own production for the next year. We produce higher numbers of the top varieties so that they are available to meet demand.”
“The information is really helpful as we continue to help retailers offer more value to their customers,” she notes. “Those retailers who create a destination (such as a Proven Winners Store-within-a-Store) help their customers easily find the products that are going to make them successful and give them superior garden performance. This success, along with things like high quality container options, creates returning customers and higher profits.
The bar code tracking ranks the most popular plants from retail sales of Grande and Royale containers, 10-in. hanging baskets (combinations and monocultures), shrubs and perennials. Sales data are broken down to rank varieties, show container size preferences and point to the most popular combinations for future planning. Four Star provides customers with complete lists of the following:
- Top 25 Grandes
- Top 25 Royales
- Top 10 10-in. Hanging Basket Combinations, Supertunia monos and Superbells monos
- Top 5 ColorChoice shrubs
- Top 5 Proven Winners perennials.
Classics and new varieties
“Every year for our production, we develop a mix of the existing varieties and combinations with promising new ones that are trialed and carefully selected,” Coch says. “Because we work with growers around the United States, we also understand the need for different mixes suited to different regions, and have a good handle on those top varieties so that they are always in production.”
The bar code data gives both growers and retailers confirmation of the demand for classic bestsellers, such as Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Señorita Rosalita Cleome, and Diamond Frost Euphorbia. “These classics typically have really high sell through,” she notes.
But the data also show the impact of new Proven Winners and Proven Selections varieties that have entered the market. “Superbells Holy Moly! is huge,” Coch notes, “and is the number one selling Superbells monoculture hanging basket. Superbells Grape Punch is a wonderful improvement and buyers see the difference. Consumers gravitate to whatever is striking when they see it on the shelf.”
Partnering with growers and retailers
The bar code program originally started by measuring 2013 sales with just a few retailers, and has now expanded to about ten firms in the U.S. In addition, Coch relies on an “advisory board” of retailers for advice.
“What sets us apart is all the work we do to measure sales with the bar code scanning system, our trialing programs and our work with a small group of garden retailers to advise us,” Coch explains. “We value their feedback and the collaboration between us, because it helps us build better partnerships. We’re interested in helping our customers be successful. As an example of this collaboration, I’m finalizing our retail selections for 2017 now, and I want to get this group’s feedback so that we are all more successful together.”
For more information
Four Star Greenhouse
T: +1 734-654-6420 E
Email: [email protected]