Do check the schedule on the program brochure, as some of the presentations are held concurrently. Licensed pesticide applicators will be able to earn up to four credit-hours on the first day, and up to three credit-hours on the second day of the conference.
Learn from the following experts in their fields:
On Wednesday, November 9th
- Thrips tips, pot drips, mite blips and neonic hits: Management matters from 2016, Dan Gilrein, LIHR, Cornell
- Alternatives to neonicotinoids, Carlos Bogran, OHP
- Diagnosis: disease, abiotic disorder or normal? Know enough to know the difference (Spanish language), Rosa Raudales, UConn
- Advanced biocontrol panel, Suzanne Wainwright-Evans, Ron Valentin, Jeff Marstaller, hour #1
- Advanced biocontrol panel, Suzanne Wainwright-Evans, Ron Valentin, Jeff Marstaller, hour #2
- Cutting edge PGR’s, Brian Whipker, NC
- Identifying the good and the bad bugs (Spanish language), Carols Bogran, OHP
- Being a plant diagnostic detective, Brian Whipker, North Carolina
- Work Safely in the greenhouse (Spanish language session), Anna Meyerhoff
- What’s new and how do we stop it: disease management on flowers and herbs in the greenhouse, Margery Daughtrey, LIHR, Cornell
- Mealybug management: how to deal with this fuzzy-sucking insect pest, Raymond Cloyd, Kansas State
- The ins and outs of using biopesticides to manage diseases of greenhouse flowers and herbs, Margery Daughtrey, LIHR, Cornell