The campaign is designed around the pay-off 'Hello Winter'. It targets florists, with a strong focus on the spectacular inflorescence of the amaryllis. This is a property that not all consumers are aware of and that is not immediately evident in the shop. Striking promotional material has been specially created for florists, to promote the shop display of amaryllis.
During the Trade Fair in Aalsmeer (stand 3.1) and the florists' evening in the wholesale centre Cultra, this promotional material will be handed out. In addition, florists and dealers can download images for social media free of charge via the website The Facebook page for amaryllis draws the consumer's attention to the extraordinary flowering of amaryllis.
Along with the promotional material for the shop display, the campaign has sought partnership with other projects:
- The photographs for the campaign come from the versatile photo archive of Flower Council Holland.
- The Amaryllis campaign is also working together with the bouquet innovation project Bouquet Tales. In mid-November the special winter edition of the Bouquet Tales magazine appears, with a focus on amaryllis. The print run will be 30,000 copies. The magazine is distributed through 90 sales outlets in Europe.
- Finally, at the beginning of November, a 12-page winter edition will appear of the inspirational magazine '365 days of flowers', with a focus on amaryllis. This magazine is an initiative from the growers of seasonal flowers (bulb flowers assortment, summer flowers, and ornamental, berry and forced shrubs). The print run is around 36,000 copies. The magazine is mailed to 17,000 European florists directly, while the remaining copies are distributed via 40 exporters and dealers.
Source: Royal FloraHolland