Dudutech will focus this year on four product categories:
- Slugtech: a parasitic nematode to control slugs
- Diglytech: Contains living Diglyphus isae, a parasitic wasp that is ectoparasitic i.e. develops nearby, but outside the leaf miner larvae
- Nematech S: An insect parasitic nematode to control Sciara spp, Orfelia larvae, Scatella spp and thrips larvae and pupae.
- Phytotech: is a biological acaricide containing Phytoseiulus persimilis, a predatory mite for the control of the two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae)
For more information:
Michelle Verwiel, Marketing Manager
P.O. Box 1927, Naivasha, 20117, Kenya
T +254.50.2020859
F +254.50.21167
M +254.700.593.101
E: [email protected]