Across the US, local florists petal it forward
The carrot that lured the journalists? The Society of American Florists’ second Petal It Forward campaign, a feel-good initiative through which florists in all 50 states gave out thousands of flower bouquets, encouraging surprised — often, overjoyed — recipients to keep a bouquet for themselves and share a second bouquet with a friend, loved one or stranger.
“The campaign worked really well for us,” said Relles, who gave out about 700 bouquets in a four-hour period. Through a happy coincidence, the shop was celebrating a major milestone, 70 years in operation, the same week, which helped make his pitch to reporters, and the generous gesture to the community, even more compelling.
“It was unbelievable. People were so nice — we got so many hugs,” said Relles, who was also featured in the Sacramento Bee and local radio shows.
Even more amazing: That kind of story — glowing press coverage and happy, happy people — played out across the country, as florists of all sizes, with significant support from their wholesaler, grower and supplier partners, endeavored to make this year’s campaign even bigger than the 2015 outreach.