New camera allows for more precise sorting of roses
Aad Tas, sales manager at Aweta: "Using this camera, clients will be able to sort their roses with higher precision. The camera takes pictures at a higher resolution, which makes it possible to better judge the quality. Four pictures are taken of each rose: three from the side, and one from the top. These photos are taken both in color and black/white."
The TRS Vision has been available on the market since June 2016. At the moment, 14 machines are already up and running.
And Aweta has other plans for the future. They are hard at work developing a solution that makes it possible to hang roses without having to look at them. Measuring the length of the rose is also undergoing further digitization. The goal is to be able to check for bent necks and stems.
For more information:
Aad Tas
+31(0)88 668 80 00
[email protected]