IPM Dubai 2016 welcomes international participants from around the world. All exhibitors and visitors are invited to the INDEGA (Interessenvertretung der deutschen Industrie für den Gartenbau) Seminar Program - "Representation of Interests of the German Horticulture Industry". The seminar will be held at Dubai World Trade Centre on the 13th November 2016.
The seminar is divided into two parts and will gather eminent speakers engaged in horticultural production and technology.
Lecture programme:
Cultivation Technologies - part 1
- German products for horticulture - Harald Braungardt, INDEGA, Germany
- Application of Humic substances in dry (arid) Areas, Application and Results - Dr. Yasser Dergham, Humintech, Germany
- Control options or relevant parameters for optimal plant growth - Harald Braungardt, Step Systems, Germany
- How to grow Chrysanthemums - Useful instructions from an experienced breeder - Jürgen v. d. Driesch, Brandkamp, Germany
- High Quality Substrates from Germany for the Arabic Countries - Dr. Uwe Steinmeyer, General Manager, Brill Substrate, Germany