New-look bedding and perennials catalogs from Earley
Each catalogue features a new-look layout, which has been thoughtfully designed for speed and ease of use. Clearly sectioned to aid selection, the new format makes product identification quicker, whilst essential product detail has been laid out consistently to provide all relevant information, at-a-glance.
The main Earley Ornamentals Catalogue 2017-18 features Earley’s extensive bedding, basket and patio range of products including the ‘2017-18 Highlights and Heroes’. Complementing this is the new, separate Earley Perennial Catalogue, which is packed with excellent range development options and commercial introductions, including the new Premium Perennials group.
Commenting on the launch of the new catalogues, Earley Ornamentals’ managing director, Simon Earley explains: “We’re always striving to improve the service we offer our customers and the new format catalogues reflect this. People definitely like it as we’ve had many positive comments back already.
As for the new Perennial catalogue, we have seen growing interest in this popular category in recent years. The decision to introduce a dedicated Perennial catalogue has enabled us to give this expanding range, the display space it deserves.”
The catalogues can be viewed and downloaded here or to request a printed catalogue, contact Earley Ornamentals direct on 01845 524511.
For more information:
Earley Ornamentals
[email protected]