US (TX): Dallas will get the country's largest urban nature park
A number of nature-oriented projects still have to be completed before the pieces of the puzzle will fit together. This is happening with little public awareness because the projects are being conducted independently, managed by different parts of the government whose communications with each other are usually sparse.
The location of all this is in the area the city calls the Trinity River Corridor. The important piece of this vast watershed extends from where the main stem of the Trinity River starts, just upstream from the Mockingbird-Westmoreland bridge, and goes all the way down to where the river crosses Interstate 20 at Dallas' southern city limit.
Three large but disconnected projects are happening at different parts of this river corridor. When they are completed, and that should be soon, Dallas is likely to join Portland, Austin and other nature-oriented cities as The-Place-to-Live-if-You-Like-Nature.
Read more at Dallas News