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France: Salon du Végétal's 2017 Innovert award winners

During the Salon du Végétal, that took place from June 20 until June 22 2017, the winners of the Innovert Novelty competitions were announced. A month before the show, in May 2017, 70 novelties were nominated for this. During the Salon du Végétal the winning products were revealed. Discover the Golden Innovert, the Silver and the Bronze attributed by a jury composed of experts.

This year, Salon du Végétal was held at another location; at a larger venue in Nantes. Exhibitors focus on the sector as a whole, from plants & flowers, to gardening and nature in the cities. Over 3 days nearly 15.000 visitors made a visit to this event.

Rosa x Vihaïpi 'Trakinsplash' - PEPINIÈRES DE LA SAULAIE. A new variety of climbing rose with single red, yellow and white striped flowers, bringing a really ‘flashy’ effect (very different to Hanabi and Purple splash). The plant is compact and so adapted to small areas and for container growing. This variety is the result of a rigorous breeding programme in terms of hardiness and resistance to pathogens (no special treatment needed). Upright and climbing habit. (Source photo: Instagram page Salon du Végétal)

Innovert Gold
  • Category "New plant - nursery" : Rosa x Vihaïpi 'Trakinsplash' - PEPINIÈRES DE LA SAULAIE (49)
  • Category "New plant - horticulture" : Dahlia x Heroïne - ERNEST TURC (49)
  • Category "Commercial plant innovation" : Astuces de la nature - FLEURON D’ANJOU (49)
  • Category "Production" : Fertilpot NT - FERTIL SAS (92)
  • Category "Distribution/Floristry" : Tuyau Yoyo - FITT FRANCE (13) - stand 426
  • Category "Green Spaces" : Application web Floriscope - PLANTE ET CITÉ (49)

Innovert Silver winner in category Commercial plant innovation: Lumaki® - BLOOM HUB. (Source photo: Facebook page Lumaki)

Innovert Silver

  • Category "New plant - nursery" : Lagerstroemia x indica Mimie® Fuchsia 'Dablage01' - SAPHO (49)
  • Category "New plant - horticulture" : Clematis Green Passion 'ZO11050' & Red Passion 'ZO11056' - TRAVERS PEPINIERES (45)
  • Category "New plant - horticulture" : Mandevilla Sundaville® Apricot - MNP FLOWERS (PAYS-BAS)
  • Category "Commercial plant innovation" : Lumaki® - BLOOM HUB (45)
  • Category "Production" : Asperello™ T34 Biocontrol® - BIOBEST (84)
  • Category "Distribution/Floristry" : Terreau plantes fleuries 40 L à deux poignées + zip - OR BRUN (69)
  • Category "Green Spaces" : Tribor et Trilis - IF TECH (49)

Discodip is an unique Kalanchoe in the Calanday® series. This plant has an extraordinary multi-colour characteristic that is sure to constantly surprise consumers. The flowers are light yellow when they open, slowly become pink and are almost white at the end of their life cycle. Discodip is a particularly lively plant in the trendy pastel shades and is suitable for a variety of interiors. Due to its multi-colouredness, this plant fits with various colour schemes, from bright pink to subtle pastel hues. (Source:

Innovert Bronze

  • Category "New plant - nursery" : Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Calandiva Discodip - SV.CO (PAYS-BAS)
  • Category "Commercial plant innovation" : Slow Life - ERNEST TURC (49)
  • Category "Production" : Substrat Motte Biotise BTX - PREMIER TECH FALIENOR (49)
  • Category "Distribution/Floristry" : Oasis® Floxi - SMITHERS OASIS (11)


Muriel BOUQUIN (FFAF) - Christian CRÉPIN (FNPHP) - Alain DELAVIE (RUSTICA SA et président du concours Innovert) - Jean-Marc DEOGRATIAS (ASTREDHOR) - Dominique DURAND (HORTIS – Ville de Beauvais) - Patrick LORIE (FNMJ) - Adrien MOREAU (MONEDEN.COM) - Jacques MOREAU (Photographe horticole) - Pascal NAUD (SEVE NANTES) - Guss WIJCHMAN (NEWPLANTSANDFLOWERS.COM) - Valérie VIDRIL (LIEN HORTICOLE)

For more information:
Salon du Végétal
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