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Custom-made water cars for quick and safe transport of cut flowers

Cut flower companies with multiple production locations often choose to have the sorting and processing take place at one central location. To ensure that logistics flows between locations run as quickly and efficiently as possible, Codema has developed special water cars.

Designed according to the grower’s needs
The water cars can be completely designed according to the company’s wishes and the dimensions of your trucks. The segments in the car ensure that your cut flowers do not get oppressed and do not move during driving. Naturally, the thin layer of water in the water cars ensures that the cut flowers remain fresh for a longer time.

Delivering the best conditioned quality
‘This is the solution for a company with multiple locations and one central space for sorting and processing’, says one of the first users. ‘The cut flowers from our other two locations enter at this location and are immediately put in a large cold storage. Then they are sorted and bunched and within an hour the cars are back in the cold storage and then taken for transport. The water cars ensure that our cut flowers can be supplied at the best conditioned quality.’


  • Custom-made design
  • Shorter logistical handling
  • Cut-flowers do not get damaged
  • Cut-flowers stay fresh longer

For more information:
Codema Systems Group
Oosteindsepad 8
2661 EP Bergschenhoek
The Netherlands
[email protected]

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