Since a couple of months ago, a new grower from Kenya: SandPro Growers is offering its line of products at the major Dutch auctions. Unpacked and processed for auction by Alkemade International, the crop consisting of Gypsophila Xlence, Trachelium, Asclepia and Delphinium has been well received by buyers.
Peter Alkemade and the gentlemen of SandPro Growers
The company was founded last year, by some friends in Kenya with extended experience in the floral industry. They have begun with growing a variety of beautiful summer flowers both under greenhouses and in the open field on a 20 hectares piece of land with plans for future expansion already underway.
With its rich and fertile soils, set at the foothills of Mt. Kenya, the exquisite township of Timau, SandPro Growers farm boasts an altitude of 2450m above sea level allowing them to produce premium quality cut flowers.
For more information:
Alkemade International
Peter Gaarthuis
Quality Manager
M: +31 (0)6 1313 0233
E: [email protected]