On Thursday 10 October, another meeting of the Royal FloraHolland Members’ Council was held. Among other things, the Member’s Council advised the management on the approach to introduce an environmental registration and certification policy.
An informal meeting of the Members' Council took place on Thursday 10 October, that day just happened to be Sustainability Day. The Members' Council discussed the current state of affairs with the Management Board and Supervisory Board. More particularly, they spoke about environmental registration and certification for every grower who trades through the marketplace.
Digital environmental registration and certification
The most important topic on the agenda was digital environmental registration and certification. Royal FloraHolland's ambition is to ensure that by the end of 2020 all growers have a digital environmental registration and certification. The management asked the Members' Council for their advice on the approach, timeline, enforcement and preconditions. It was the very first time that the Members' Council presented an advice to the management.
The Members' Council embraces Royal FloraHolland's ambition regarding environmental registration and certification. However, they wish to take a phased approach:
- Step 1: By 31/12/2020 at the latest, every grower that trades through our marketplace will carry out a digital environmental registration and register with one of the certifying organizations.
- Step 2: By 31/12/2021 at the latest, every grower will have a market-compliant environmental certificate.
The Members' Council also set a crucial precondition: in addition to MPS, there should be several players who can provide digital environmental registration or certification to growers. A sort of 'truck system', without any competition, should be prevented. Other conditions that should be met, were:
- We must assist growers with advice and action (offer a 'helping hand').
- The performance of certification institutes should be improved.
- Specific attention should be paid to international members.
The sustainability leading team will remain involved in the follow-up process and will keep its finger on the pulse.
Membership of the future
The council also discussed how to come up with a new membership plan to connect growers and buyers to the marketplace. The aim is to introduce a new membership plan by 2021. In order to involve growers right from the start, a new leading team will be formed.
Tariffs 2020
Finally, the management explained their proposal for the 2020 tariffs. The starting point is a balanced budget. Cost increases (mainly as a result of the new collective labour agreement) will therefore have to be absorbed. Royal FloraHolland's proposal is to compensate with cost savings, but a tariff increase is also necessary. This will be kept to a minimum. On 12 December, the Members' Council will set the tariffs for 2020. For 2021, the basic structure of the tariffs will be reviewed as part of the discussion about the new membership.
Source: Royal FloraHolland