On July 28, HRI will organize a live Q&A session with FNRI researchers Dr. Cindy McKenzie and Dr. Lance Osborne. "Get your coffee and your questions ready and sit down to a direct line with industry experts."
Whitefly has emerged as a major insect pest. Whitefly Biotype Q is particularly ominous, as conventional insecticide control options are limited. When Biotype Q was first identified as problematic, it was flagged as a regulatory concern threatening cotton and vegetable production. A collaboration of industry, regulatory agencies, and researchers was able to show that Biotype Q could be contained without restricting the movement of ornamental plants. The studies conducted by Dr. Cindy McKenzie and Dr. Lance Osborne as part of FNRI were critical too in that first effort and continue to improve management strategies.
But whitefly is not the only pest tackled by Dr. McKenzie and Osborne. One to two new insect species are identified in Florida every month, and some of these have the potential to become serious pests. These researchers also develop and optimize management guidelines for new invasives as they emerge.
Dr. McKenzie and Osborne plan to share some of their video and image library of insects used for biological control.
Pre-recorded sessions
Be sure to check out the pre-recorded sessions by Dr. McKenzie and Dr. Osborne before the live webinar to maximize your learning experience. View these recordings on-demand for free before the live event at https://www.hriresearch.org/thrive.
For more information