Next week, Chrysanthemum Week will be held where several breeders in Colombia will showcase their varieties. One of the breeders participating is Deliflor, presenting more than 250 varieties at their 'Delishow 2020'. With this show around the corner, which is Deliflor's most important event of the year, it's a good time to reflect on the year so far. Juan David Lecuona, Commercial Director at Deliflor Latin America tells us his experience.
"2020 has been a year with many challenges, that’s why, we decided to face it with a positive, responsible, and strong attitude, to get the best out of every employee, as human beings", he says. "In times of stress and uncertainty, we gave, our love, and passion, to strengthen our team, to create relationships, and to build a network with our customers, and collaborators, never leaving aside, our business core, 'genetic excellence in our chrysanthemums, and the way we deliver that excellence through our staff of great humans'."
Click here for the video of DELISHOW 2020
They've been able to keep the business running, under very strict biosecurity protocols. "The whole team is empowered taking care of themselves, and showing the solidarity to take care of the ones around. We've been providing our collaborators, not only with all the relevant information given by the government on how to protect ourselves, but with sanitizing kits, fundamental groceries on a weekly basis, but the most important thing we believe we´re doing, is making them a part of this game, that we´re winning, but it´s only half time, so we have to keep working together."
"Our administrative staff, with passion, and confidence, has understood, every day, the business needs, we have supported our clients understanding that we all are in the same chain, and, even though, we know that financially, this year is not what we expected, socially is, without a doubt, a year to feel proud of what we have built in this time, strong connections towards others (family, partners, clients, suppliers and competitors)."
Week 35, “Chrysanthemum Week”, which is the most important event of the year for Deliflor is around the corner. "During this week, Delishow 2020 will blossom with more than 250 varieties, that indicates years of work, innovation, development, and hard work dedicated to growers, importers, wholesalers, supermarkets and, flower consumers worldwide."
Click here for more information on Deliflor's DELISHOW 2020.
For more information
Deliflor Latin America
Juan David Lecuona ,Commercial Director
Email: [email protected]