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Ecuador's blooming flower industry feels pandemic's punch

Flower growers in Ecuador are trimming back their fields, cutting plants at the root and in some cases tossing out piles of colorful blooms entirely as the pandemic delivers a devastating blow to one of the nation’s biggest export industries.

Demand for the small South American country’s prized flowers has struggled to rebound after plummeting earlier this year – and remains at just 70% the normal rate, according to the Ecuadorian Flower Growers and Exporters Association.

Over 10,000 jobs have been cut and more than $130 million in revenue lost.

“It’s a critical situation,” said Alejandro Martínez, executive president of the association. “The worst blow the Ecuadorian flower industry has ever experienced.”

The setback follows a turbulent 2019 marked by nearly two weeks of deadly social unrest over the elimination of a fuel subsidy that shut down much of the country and led to $45 million in losses for the flower sector.

Read more at WRAL (Gonzalo Solano)

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