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ZimTrade Export Development Manager Tatenda Marume:

'Zimbabwe horticulture could generate $1 billion in exports'

According to Tatenda Marume, ZimTrade export development manager, Zimbabwe has the potential to generate more than $ 1 billion from horticultural exports around the world based on the country’s favorable climatic conditions and private sector involvement.

In a recent meeting, Marume said that Zimbabwe exports horticultural products worth between $ 120 and $ 122 million annually. “This is still less than what we did in 1998 and 1999 and the reason I am saying this is not to depress you, but to show that there is potential in this particular sector,” he said.

Marume said with the right interventions and private sector involvement, the country could make more than $ 1 billion in exports. The country has a range of horticultural products, including citrus fruits, flowers, peas, and berries, among others.

Some of the products that already contribute to the country’s export earnings are citrus fruits at 32 percent, flowers (25 percent) and peas (19 percent).

“The reasons why we are competitive in exporting horticultural products, I think what they all have in common is that we have one of the best climates in terms of crop production,” said Marume. “The temperature and the precipitation give us unique supply windows in the markets. . . and this gives us a pretty good advantage in terms of pricing during these window periods. “


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