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US: AIFD Foundation establishes Catastrophic Fund

Floral industry professionals struggling in the wake of wildfires, hurricanes and other disasters can seek aid from a new fund created by the American Institute of Floral Designers Foundation. The AIFD Foundation Catastrophic Fund, established this summer, offers relief to those in grave need following a wide range of misfortunes.

“This provides the tools to address what we have been unable to in the past so that we may better meet the needs of the people of this industry,” said AIFD Foundation CEO Lynn Lary McLean, AAF, AIFD, PFCI, TMF.

In 2017, AIFD Foundation created three separate relief funds to help floral industry professionals hard hit by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. “Each fund was created for the stated purpose and funds were raised in concert with the state associations where each occurred,” McLean said. “During the time of this activity, there were others needing assistance that were outside of these specific arenas. This is what led us to establish an overall AIFD Foundation Catastrophic Fund.”

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