The Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association posted an announcement on their website to all floriculture growers in Massachusetts. See below for the complete announcement.
Here is another new USDA assistance program to help our floriculture and nursery growers. It is entitled “Coronavirus Food assistance Program 2 for Floriculture and Nursery Crop Products.” Don’t Let the title with the word “Food” confuse you. This aid Program pays out assistance funds to help with sales deficits due to the Coronavirus. And- Here is the benefit. It is all based on sales figures from 2019. NOT this year 2020. In some ways it is hard to believe, but I checked it out with the USDA district offices and this is correct. This program is for operations with Adjusted Gross income of Less than $900,000 (discuss this with USDA contact person).
Click here for more program information.
Now when you go to the program it may look like at first glance that they are talking about nursery crops as they mention cut greens and Christmas trees but then the key wording is there: “Nursery crops eligible for CFAP 2 include: decorative or non-decorative plants grown in a container or controlled environment for commercial sale.” The potential payouts are in the link.
The Application Process opened September 21, 2020 and are excepted up to December 11, 2020.
- Provided above is the link to the USDA Program
- Click here for the files that describe the general program overview (what the link goes to) and 2 files that describe the rules and overall eligibility.
Eligibility Requirements
Reference Sheet
General Fact Sheet
MOST IMPORTANT: Contact your USDA District office regarding your questions and filing an Application Below are the USDA offices and contact personnel at the offices to discuss the application. Everyone at these offices are very helpful and will work with you to process the application.
Berkshire County 413-443-1776
Bristol/Norfolk/Suffolk County 508-880-0185
Franklin County 413-772-6810
Hampshire/Hampden County 413-585-1000
Middlesex/Essex County 978-303-8286
Southeastern County 508-295-5151
Worcester County 508-829-4477
If you have any preliminary questions contact Bob Luczai at 508-935-8264 or leave a message on the MFGA office line 781-275-4811.