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Zambia sprays 10,000 hectares to contain locusts

Up until this time, Zambia has sprayed about 10,000 hectares of land as part of efforts to control the African Migratory Locusts which have broken out in some provinces. Minister of Agriculture Michael Katambo said the chemicals being sprayed have proved to be effective and shown to reduce the locust population by between 85 to 95 percent.

He told reporters during a press briefing that the International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa has partnered with the Zambia Air Force in conducting aerial sprays in the affected areas.

The Zambian minister however noted that the locusts pose a threat because of being trans-boundary which requires concerted efforts with neighboring countries. According to him, swarms of locust from neighboring Namibia were entering the country in areas that have already been sprayed hence the need for collaboration.

As reported on¸ the locusts have been located in countries including Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Namibia. In Zambia, the locusts have been seen in three of the country’s 10 provinces.

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