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US (WA): Dream of becoming flower farmer blossoms amid pandemic

When the pandemic struck, Loreen McFaul took the adage “bloom where you are planted” to heart.

“One thing I know about myself is that I have to do something creative every day,” she said.

During the winter, she’d taken an online course on flower farming. McFaul said the shutdown enabled her to fast-forward her dream of growing cut flowers to spread joy and beauty to others.

“I became a flower farmer, a side-hustle to my jobs as executive director of the Friends of the Centennial Trail and a nonprofit consultant,” she said. “I’ve always enjoyed gardening, but from a landscaping lens. I’d never gotten into the world of seed germination.”

But soon her basement filled with seedlings thriving under grow lights.

Read more at The Spokesman-Review (Cindy Hval)

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