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US: An online marketing partner for local florists

After six years focusing on everyday floral delivery and wedding and event design, Tammy Myers changed things up. She launched a new venture called LORA Bloom.

LORA Bloom is an online E-commerce and marketing platform that represents florists a lot like Tammy. Most of the florist partners are solopreneurs, and most but not all are studio-based. Since they often have to wear many hats, they embrace new channels to reach potential customers. LORA Bloom plays a highly personalized role that wire services and order-taking websites don’t offer florists, she says.

“I often wondered if there could be a one-stop shop for trusted, locally- sourced flowers that could be delivered for lots of occasion. Having many friends in the floral business, I learned I was not alone in her frustrations.”

Read more at Slow Flowers Journal (Debra Prinzing)

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