Research centrum The Green East in the Dutch town of Raalte is a testing facility with testing greenhouses in the Netherlands. The company is the first Dutch company to receive a Ceres-FC substrate.
The unit's first prototype was presented at the GreenTech 2019 in Amsterdam and since then has been installed many times around the globe. Rick Oomen, Hotraco explained last year that the unit enables both mixing of irrigation water and the water's strategic administration. “Because of this, the Ceres-FC is capable of managing the entire irrigation process, and it is not necessary to add other computers or switchboards. The controls for pumps and taps can also be done through the unit.”
Together with their partners at Codema Systems Group, Hotraco Horti developed the climate and water control system in the testing greenhouse. The new Ceres-FC entirely controls the water system, and the easy to operate Orion-GC is used for the climate in the greenhouse.
For more information:
Hotraco Horti