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India: Floriculture centre to be opened in Wayanad

A Centre of Excellence for Vegetables and Flowers being established at Ambalavayal in Wayanad district with technical guidance from the Dutch government is set to be inaugurated on November 5.

Coming up on the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Ambalavayal campus, with technical hand-holding under the Indo-Dutch Joint Action Plan, the centre is expected to turn full-fledged over the next one year, Agriculture Department officials said.

The centre will have five Netherlands-model polyhouse nurseries and four Indian model polyhouses for large-scale production of flowers and distribution of quality seeds and transplants to farmers. Other infrastructure includes model open-field farms and a post-harvest technology centre showcasing post-harvest handling, storage and marketing of produce for the benefit of farmers.

Further, the Centre will offer regular training programmes for farmers, entrepreneurs and extension officers, and also explore possibilities in agri-horti tourism in Wayanad district.

Read more at The Hindu

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