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“Travel to African Countries should be possible”

In times like this where the Coronavirus has taken over major parts of the world, the government has tried to put in various measures to curb the spread and to protect lives. The pandemic has also changed the course of events as a lot of sectors have been hit. An important sector to look at is the travel industry. As our valued member, ”Matoke Tours" that specialises in travels to African countries indicates, the travel industry contributes a lot to the economic development of a number of African countries, creating jobs and income. But due to the pandemic, they cry out because there is a greater loss on their path.

Realising the fact that they have a great responsibility to play and clearly understanding that several measures need to be taken to prevent a further spread of the virus, the travel industry only feels there should be no discriminatory travel advice. The travel industry says that there should be clear transparency in the policies given by the European Union so that travels can be carried out. The government has issued some travel advice to countries and regions in Europe in view of the pandemic. Some countries have yellow code advice which means it is still safe to travel to these countries but people have to stay alert, while others stay on orange.

In light of this, travel industries wonder why countries outside Europe don’t receive the yellow code advice so that people who still want to carry out journeys in other countries can do so. They say there are a number of countries that have a lower rate and good control of the situation which reduces the case of the spread in some way. The travel industry believes that if businesses can be carried out, they don’t necessarily have to bear financial consequences.


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