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Supervalu expects to sell up to 135,000

Ireland: Swords-grown poinsettias making their way to the shops for Christmas

It's the festive season once more, and with it, an announcement from Supervalu that it expects to sell up to 135,000 Swords-grown poinsettias in the run-up to Christmas.

This year marks the 24th year that Swords-based grower Uniplumo has worked with SuperValu to supply the popular plant.

To help meet the growing seasonal demand for poinsettias, Uniplumo will employ over 60 staff over the busy Christmas period to supply over 135,000 poinsettias for SuperValu stores.

Uniplumo Head Grower Sean Grimes, who has grown the plant for over 30 years, said: 'Poinsettias require great care to grow in our nursery, taking five months to develop to ensure they are ready for SuperValu in time for the Christmas season.

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