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The UK is hungry for horticulture; and here's why

UK gardening trends are evolving

What was once a popular pastime for retirees has now officially been adopted by the ‘cool kids’. Yup, gardening is all the rage these days as a new generation of plant lovers have blossomed and are taking to social media to show off the latest in gardening trends. Even celebrities are getting in on the action.

Greenery is making its way into the fashion world with succulents and ferns sitting pretty alongside the latest high street pieces in London outlets. Fashion icons like Kate Moss and Alexa Chung have expressed a love for all things leafy, and beautiful houseplants have become an ‘it item’ for high-end buyers.

Influencers like Sienna Miller and Kelly Brooks are clearly on a mission to make gardening sexy while health-conscious celebs like Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have taken to gardening to cultivate their own produce.

Click here for the infographic Gardening and the Self-care Revolution among Millennials at

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